What Does “Chula” Mean in Spanish?

No doubt, Spanish is a beautiful language. However, some terms are more difficult to master than others. “Chula” is one of those words that can be tricky for non-native speakers. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different meanings and usages of “chula” in Spanish and talk about its surprising origins.  What Does “Chula” Mean?…

Are Paletas Mexican?

Anyone who has ever had a paleta knows how amazing they are. But are paletas actually Mexican? Like many popular foods, the origins of paletas are the source of questions. With that in mind, today we explore the origins of paletas, a frozen treat that is making headlines in the United States. Are Paletas Mexican?…

Shoe charm depicting flip-flop with the words "I survived la chancla."

What Is La Chancla? 

If you are Latino or Latina, or just have Latino friends, you are probably familiar with the term “la chancla.” This foot accessory is more than just a shoe, it has become a humorous symbol of Hispanic culture. In this blog post, we will explore what la chancla is, its origin, its popularity, and its…

Illustration featuring splotches of paint and a speech balloon that reads "No manches!"

What Does “No Manches!” Mean?

In some regions of Latin America, “No Manches!” is a common expression that can convey a variety of meanings. But what does it mean, exactly? Keep reading to learn everything about this phrase, from its curse-y origins to its mainstream success. What Does “No Manches!” Mean? “No manches” (literally “don’t stain”) is the polite alternative…